Leading the Charge

for Transformative Classrooms

Transformative Teach believes that every young person & equity-minded leader has a place in the classroom, not in a prison. Transformative Teach Classroom offers online courses that explore the roots, perpetuation, and transformation of the School-to-Prison-Pipeline. With a network of school leaders, youth, and community members, our Students mobilize around anti-oppressive curriculum that uplift youth & teacher power and minimize disciplinary gaps, suspensions & expulsion rates in their local schools.



    We are a community of life long learners. Transformative Teach Classroom Students include K-12 educators, School Admin, higher education Instructors, and Community Organizers.

  • 45 LESSONS

    From foundational identity development to anti-oppressive pedagogies to school policy reform, Transformative Teach Classroom offers core lessons to support leaders in dismantling the School-to-Prison-Pipeline.


    Systemic change requires engagement from all stakeholders - inside & outside of the classroom. Our Students and School Partners are doing their piece to enact change in schools across the nation.


In addition to full course access, you will recieve:

  • Downloadable Materials

    In each Lesson, you can download materials to nurture your unique learning style. These tools - videos, activities, templates - can help you reflect on your engagement and add to your pedagogical sauce.

  • One-to-One Coaching

    Throughout the Course, you will have access to individual calls with our Instructors to dive deep into your comprehension, clarify questions, and explore ways you can apply what you learned to your everyday experience.

  • Classroom Community

    As a Student, you join our interactive Classroom Community dashboard. Together, Students exchange ideas, share their own expertise & experience, and collaborate on ways to fuel collective liberation.